Archives du 30 Mai 2010

« La fête des mères est un prétexte car on fête toute l’année sa maman »

Par défaut

The Kids’ Version of the Mom Song

« Can we go sledding?

I want to build a snowman.
Will you play with me?
Can I go outside to play?
Will you push me on the swings?

Will you read me a book?
I can do tricks,
look mom look!

But I dont wanna.
I dont have to go potty.
I think I wet my pants.
I already brushed my teeth.
Im too tired.
I dont need a nap.
Do I have to go?
Are we there yet?

Is it multiple choice?
Is it fill in the blank?
Can it be open book?
Can we have a word bank?
I didnt know we were having a test.
Dont you know I did my best?

I dont have any homework.
I heard you the first time!
I already practiced my instrument!
Get off my back.

How come she gets to do it and I dont?
Thats not fair!
Are you kiddin me?
Sarahs mom lets her do it!

I didnt do it!
I wish you were like his mom.
I just want 5 more minutes?
Can I play one more?
But my favorite show is on.
Can I stay up late?
You dont know what its like.

Will you fix my toy?
Will you play with me?

Im hungry
Im thirsty
Im hot
Im cold
I dont want to wear a hat.
Please dont make me wear that.

Ew, I stepped in something sticky.
The food you make is very icky.
I ate the food you put on my plate
Although its the stuff that I really hate.
Do I have to eat that?
But it tastes funny!
Please mom can I get a bunny?

Can I stay home from school today?
Im getting a sore throat.
I dont want to go to the doctors.
But Im feeling better.
Will I have to get a shot?
Will the doctor give me stickers?

I did my chores, they were really a bore
I picked up my toys.
I fed and the brushed the dog.
Can I have my allowance?
Can we go to the toy store?
But mommmmm!
You never buy me anything.

Cant you see that Im already grown,
And Im ready to do things on my own.
I can do it all by myself.

I dont know how to do it!
What the heck Im only 12,
I dont want responsibilities!

What does this say?

Hes not sharing!
He bit me! She hit me!
But WHY?

Will you tuck me in? »

La fête des mères est un prétexte, car on fête toute l’année sa maman.
[Jean Gastaldi]
Extrait de Le Petit Livre de maman