De l’importance de l’eau : 22 mars, journée internationale de l’eau #ONU

Par défaut

Ben voilà, mon inspiration m’est revenue en «parlant» aujourd’hui de la journée internationale de l’eau qui devrait être commémorée tous les jours, ceci dit…Vous voyez, je me désobéis à moi-même 🙂

Sur mon blog précédent

Cette eau si précieuse
Ressource de plus en plus menacée suscitant, du local au global, un foisonnement de questionnements et de combats. Nous sommes tous concernés.
Je vous propose donc ci-dessous quelques articles trouvés sur le site de et ailleurs sur le Net au sujet de l’eau…

Ensuite, voici déjà 2 liens (en anglais)

Change Begins With a Drop – Take Action on World Water Day (
In cities, populations are growing faster than anywhere else – and that makes it even more essential to use water sustainably.  Even a single drop can make a difference, and many drops will make a big difference.  Siemens is committed to creating the technologies to help communities and industries make big changes in how they consume, manage and recycle fresh water, to make a real and lasting impact on water accessibility across the globe.
This World Water Day, Siemens is asking its employees to take action, get involved and talk about the importance of water.  We hope you can join us by saving your own drop this World Water Day.
Download our 2-page water facts sheet
Since 1993, International World Water Day has been  held annually on March 22nd by the United Nations  as a means of focusing attention on the importance  of fresh water and advocating for the sustainable  management of fresh water resources.

The future of drinking water (
A 3p series edited by RP Siegel
As soon as I found out that I would have the opportunity to interview Michael Washburn, the new Sustainability Director of Nestlé Waters, I decided to make that the centerpiece of a new series on The Future of Drinking Water, featuring a number of interviews and guest contributors. Because this issue of clean, safe potable water for everyone is so important, so confusing, and often so passionately argued, particularly around the question of bottled water, it seemed like a great time to take a carefully considered look at the issue from a triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) perspective. I think if we peel apart the issue and some of the feelings associated with it apart, we will find a number of issues: ecological, political, social, economic, medical and psychological all mixed in with what is often portrayed as an environmental question.

Mais il n’y a rien de plus parlant que les présentations ! (

9th Everything About Water Expo 2012


«Just» Water

Nano ganesh : ce qu’on peut faire avec le téléphone portable

Water – essential for life