Archives du 14 octobre 2010

Mortalité infantile OMD n°4 (en anglais)

Par défaut

UNICEF In Rwanda, pneumonia vaccine fights top killer of children (11 octobre 2010)
Pour visualiser la vidéo (en anglais) :

CHILD HEALTH Is child mortality falling? -Hans Rosling
Is it possible to reach Millennium Development Goal 4: a reduction of child mortality with two thirds between 1990 and 2015.
Egypt and Turkey did it in only 15 years and Peru has also already met the goal.
In fact, 16 countries managed to reduce child mortality with 2/3 between 1990 and 2008 and another 43 is well on their way to do it by 2015.
The sad story is that 10 countries have the same or higher child mortality today than in 1990.

Retrouvez d’autres explorations sur Gapminder
Wealth & Health of Nations
CO2 emissions since 1820
Who has most internet users?
Where is HIV decreasing?

Estimation Methods Used by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation
To increase the transparency of the estimation process, the IGME has developed a child mortality database CME Info ( This database includes all available data, and also allows the application of a range of smoothing techniques. Estimates for countries without high HIV/AIDs prevalence can be replicated by users in the CME Info database after registration. Estimates for the 17 countries with high HIV/AIDS prevalence cannot be replicated in the CME Info at this point but tools and codes are available upon request.

Levels & Trends in Child Mortality Report 2010
Estimates Developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation
The most recent IGME estimates show that nearly 8.1 million children under age five died in 2009—or more th an 22,000 children a day. Still, these figures reflect substantial progress. Globally, the under-five mortality rate has fallen from 89 deaths per 1,000 live births in 1990 to 60 in 2009. But the rate of decline—a one-third reduction over 20 years—is insufficient to meet MDG 4, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, Southern Asia and Oceania.

Les défis relevés ou à relever pour organiser l’avenir au sein de mon Ministère du Monde

Par défaut

En 2008, il a été dit que le 21ème siècle sera le siècle de la croissance africaine et en 2010, c’est «Le temps de l’Afrique»

Défis « généraux»

Déclaration d’intention d’Harubuntu
Ici, en Afrique, il y a de la valeur. […] En tant que citoyens du monde, regardons ensemble l’Afrique dans ses potentiels…
HARUBUNTU 2010 : « Le concours des porteurs d’espoir et créateurs de richesses africains » LUNDI 17 MAI 2010
Réinventer les relations entre l’Europe et l’Afrique
Le partenariat
A terme, notre objectif serait de sortir de la logique bailleurs de fonds/bénéficiaires et proposer un nouveau paradigme de coopération au développement entre l’Afrique et l’Europe fondé sur un partenariat entre égaux (cfr Déclaration de Lisbonne –Sommet UE-Afrique). Créer un espace où chacun puisse exprimer et valoriser son rapport au monde, sortir définitivement d’une vision unilatérale de ce que devrait être le développement.

Melinda French Gates: What nonprofits can learn from Coca-Cola

TEDtalksDirector | 12 octobre 2010 At TEDxChange, Melinda Gates makes a provocative case for nonprofits taking a cue from corporations such as Coca-Cola, whose plugged-in, global network of marketers and distributors ensures that every remote village wants — and can get — a Coke. Why shouldn’t this work for condoms, sanitation, vaccinations too?

About TEDxChange: The Future We Make
On September 20, 2010, the foundation and TED co-hosted TEDxChange, an event reflecting on the progress we’ve made against the Millennium Development Goals, and looking forward to where we’re heading in the future. Visit the TEDxChange video gallery to watch the full webcast video or the individual talks from our remarkable speakers.

8 fois Oui !
Afin de réaliser les OMD, les Etats membres estiment dans leur déclaration finale qu’ils doivent chacun, à titre individuel, « s’y atteler avec une volonté renouvelée», « être efficaces au stade de l’exécution» et « intensifier leur action collective, en faisant appel à des stratégies de développement nationales, à des politiques judicieuses et à des méthodes qui ont déjà fait leur preuve et montré leur efficacité», selon Ban Ki-moon.

Quelques défis particuliers

Lutte contre la déforestation
Fonds mondial de reboisement : le mécanisme de financement REDD (Réductions des Emissions issues de la Déforestation et de la Dégradation)
– – 13/10/2010
Afin d’enrayer la perte des forêts tropicales, le député Jacques Le Guen appelle, dans un rapport remis hier à l’Elysée, à la création d’un fonds mondial de reboisement alimenté par des taxes sur les transactions financières ou les huiles végétales.

La jeunesse
eLearning Africa 2011: Spotlight on Youth, Skills and Employability
Kymmene Brereton DATE: 13 October, 2010 – 12:20
eLearning Africa conference opens its Call for Papers; Suggestions for the programme can be submitted until December 10th. The eLearning Africa Conference in 2011 will focus on young adults in Africa. With the spotlight on Youth, Skills and Employability, Africa’s leading conference on ICT for development, education and training will explore and discuss the vast reservoir of talent, skills and opportunity among Africa’s youth, also looking into the challenges they face on the job market. Over 40 per cent of Africa’s population is younger than 24 years old. One hundred and ninety-eight million Africans, 20 per cent of the continent’s population, are aged between 15 and 24 – the largest percentage of young people anywhere in the world. Children under the age of 15 account for another 20 per cent.

Participer à l’émergence des économies africaines : 8e EMA Invest

Co-organisé avec le Forum Francophone des Affaires
Sous le Haut-Patronage de SEM. Abdou Diouf,
secrétaire général de l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie

21 – 22 octobre 2010 à Genève
Grand Hôtel Kempinski à Genève

Genève: l’IE au coeur du 8e EMA Invest
Admin. | 13 octobre 2010 at 12:12
A l’occasion du 8è EMA Invest (21-22/10/2010), Guy Gweth présentera les enjeux d’une stratégie concertée d’intelligence économique dans l’espace francophone. Ce sera en marge du XIIIè Sommet des chefs d’Etats et de gouvernements des pays membres de la Francophonie à Montreux (Suisse).

Un blog sur l’éducation dans les pays du Sud – A blog on education in the developing countries
Tout est dit dans le titre de ce blog. Il nous informe des différentes possibilités, critiques, initiatives (notamment l’Initiative Fast Track), etc. pour atteindre l’Objectif n°2 des OMD qui est celui d’assurer l’éducation primaire pour tous.

La faim dans le monde
Global hunger index
Oct 12th 2010
TWENTY-NINE countries suffer from “alarming” levels of hunger, most of which are in sub-Saharan Africa, according to a report published on Monday October 11th. The “Global Hunger Index” (GHI) gives developing countries scores based on three indicators: the proportion of people who are undernourished, the proportion of children under five who are underweight, and the child mortality rate. The worst possible score is 100, but in practice, anything over 25 is considered “alarming”. Scores under five, meanwhile, are indicative of “low hunger”. Since 1990 the overall level of the index has fallen by almost a quarter (though the data do not cover the period of the global recession beginning in 2008). Two-thirds of the 99 countries counted in 1990 have reduced their populations’ hunger levels. Kuwait, Malaysia, Turkey and Mexico have been the most successful, cutting their scores by over 60%. Those where hunger has increased include North Korea, Comoros and Congo. Congo’s GHI score fell by over 60%, the worst of any country.

10 façons de nourrir le monde
Publié le 07 octobre 2010
Suite au Sommet sur les Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD) qui a eu lieu au siège des Nations Unies à New York la semaine dernière, Josette Sheeran, Directrice Exécutive du PAM, a réitéré qu’ensemble nous pouvons vaincre la faim. Voici 10 points clés pour lutter contre la faim dans le monde.

Why broadband, not roads, will transform Africa
From David McKenzie, CNN August 6, 2010
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (CNN) — African countries should invest in broadband infrastructure to improve the welfare of their people, according to Ajai Chowdhry, co-founder and CEO of HCL Infosystems, the global IT services provider.
The Indian entrepreneur, who is often described as India’s equivalent to Bill Gates, said access to information will be critical in solving many of the continent’s problems.
Access to broadband internet is key for Africa’s future, says Ajai Chowdhry.
HCL Technologies boss says African countries should ‘come together’ like the European Union.
Both private and public sectors in India are interested in investing in Africa, he says

Secretary Clinton Congratulates Winners of First Apps4Africa Competition (apps4africa)
Posted by apps4africa oct 6, 2010
Launched in July 2010, in Nairobi, Kenya by Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale, Apps4Africa generated more than 20 entries from Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Tanzania. Civil society groups and citizens challenged program developers to find innovative technological solutions to everyday problems on issues ranging from transparency and governance to health and education.

Great African Singularities (
JUIN 4, 2010 |
This post is about a different singularity. A point at which technology, progress, wealth and modern advancement converge without the inclusion of an entire continent of nearly 1 billion people, with no discernible disadvantages. This scenario is also difficult to understand and hard to control.